Distance fraud cancel

Distance new order cancellation reason - Looks like you were trying to place your order not from the address listed on your account as there is large distance difference from where you are placing your order and the address listed. Please review our TOS for clarification - https://buyvm.net/terms-of-service/ 


If we need to update your address, please open a ticket with billing to update the address and then proceed with a new order if stock is available once update has been processed.


Please provide the update as follows - 

Address1 -

Address2 -

City -

State/Region -

Postcode -

Country -


If no update is necessary and you are in the address listed on your account, you may wish to use a mobile connection to place a new order (if stock is available) or you may opt to pay with crypto currency which will bypass checks but will lock you to that payment method for all future transactions. 


If you paid with a credit card be advised as the order was cancelled for fraud, no funds were collected. Please check your bank.


Stripe advises the following - In the case of a reversal you will not see a refund credit on your statement, you will see the original authorization drop your statement entirely after a few days.  There will be no payment, and no refund. It will appear as if the whole transaction never happened. Your bank should be able to confirm this for you.

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